Below is a list of items that I pack in our lunch. I usually pack about five things so there are plenty of snack options throughout the day. Also, lemons naturally reduce blood sugar so the beverage of choice is lemon water. Part of my packing lunch is fixing Randy's want-to-be yeti cup with fresh lemons and water each morning.
- 1/2 peanut butter & jelly sandwich (I usa natural peanut butter that contains peanuts & salt and that's it and Smucker's jelly sweetened with honey)
- Ham slices with cream cheese (ham rolls is what we call them)
- Bell pepper strips
- Carrot sticks
- Cucumber slices
- Cheese (string, slices, cubes)
- Salad
- Fresh fruit (berries or apples - no bananas or grapes)
- Yogurt (have to be really careful because yogurt is high in carbs and sugar, Randy prefers Liberte brand)
- Triscuit crackers (I send the serving size on the box, which is 5)
- Sun Chips
- Olives
- Sesame Sticks
- Nuts (peanuts, walnuts, pecans - nuts are good for you)
- Homemade granola bars
- Tuna salad
- Of course, leftovers if there are any
- Boiled eggs (not in Randy's lunch though - not his thing)
Lunch is probably the hardest meal because I do have to pack it and figure out things that will stay good or reheat well. One thing that we started doing long before we knew about his glucose level, was to make sure everything we eat is Non-GMO and doesn't contain ingredients we can't pronounce. We also do not use artificial sweeteners to sweeten any of our food. We use honey to sweeten almost everything. On occasion we have used the yellow stuff in our tea or coffee.
If you have favorite lunch or snack ideas that are low in carbs and sugar please feel free to share. I am always searching for new things to try and always trying to expand our options so we don't get burned out on the food that good for us.
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