Wednesday, May 30, 2018

More of Our Favorite Foods/Meals

I shared breakfast and lunch foods we enjoy so I thought I'd share some of our favorite dinner foods.  As I stated in my shopping blog, shopping the outer aisles of the grocery store is where I find all of my needs to fix a wonderful dinner.  In research I found it is healthy to include fish once a week in our diet so I have done so.  While I'm a salmon fan my husband prefers cod.  I only purchase wild caught cod or salmon (or any other fish) from the seafood department.  My favorite recipe for cod is cod with tomato and herb butter.  I usually fix long grain brown rice to go with it (the butter sauce is so good over the rice).  I will also fix home canned green beans with it as well.  Another way we like cod is baked with lemon butter.  This too I serve with long grain brown rice.  

Dinner is actually the easiest meal of the day because I have more time to prepare something.  We also do a lot of pork such as pork chops, tenderloin, and shoulder (BBQ).  We eat a lot of chicken.  I have fixed it several ways from oven fried, to tenders, to grilled, to shredded (BBQ) and casseroles.  We do eat beef but not usually ground beef.  We will grill a sirloin or ribeye on the grill or I will fix steak bites on the stove top in my cast iron skillet.  I usually will grill some onions to go with the steak bites.  We almost always pair our dinner meat with a baked sweet potato, mashed sweet potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, butternut squash, brown rice, salad, or spinach.  I like to make creamed spinach and greens are very good for you.

As far as night time snacks after dinner, we may have some peanuts or even some air popped pop corn.  We also like to buy the Turkey Hill All Natural ice cream and we will have one scoop (about 4 ounces) of that to satisfy our sweet tooth.  Can't do away with ice cream!

I don't know if anyone else ever eats a bowl of cereal before bed but we do that from time to time as well.  The best cereal option I have found is Kashi.  It tastes good and has good grains.  Post Great Grains is pretty good as well.  The key is portion size and use a low fat milk rather than whole milk.  We buy 2% organic milk, which is more expensive but has fewer additives in it.

This is not all the things we eat but it is some of our favorite things.  We have omitted any white foods such as potatoes, rice, bread, sugar, etc.  We do not put sugar in our tea or our coffee any longer.  We sweeten with honey 99% of the time.  I never dreamed we would be eating like this but I'm glad we are now enjoying a healthier lifestyle.  I can say we have not sacrificed good tasting food.  There are a ton of good recipes out there for food prepared healthy.  

As always if you have any recipes to share with me, please do so!

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