Thursday, March 29, 2018

Easter is Coming, What's for Easter Lunch!

I have been planning lunch with family and friends for Easter Sunday.  Is it possible to fix a big spread and continue on our mission of eating healthier.  I truly think it is.  We actually have house church every Sunday in our home and I fix a breakfast nibble for our folks each week.  Since we have changed our lifestyle, it has carried over to what I fix on Sunday mornings so why can't Easter lunch be just as easy.  Our favorite Sunday breakfast nibble are crustless quiches.  This Easter we have invited any in our church who don't have family in the area to join us for lunch, so I will be preparing a large buffet style lunch.

Here's my menu which is all good with low carbs and low sugar (except for the jello salad which is a staple for holidays in our house).

  • Ham with a honey/dijon mustard glaze (1g carbohydrates; 1g sugar)
  • Green Bean Casserole (14g carbohydrates; 0 sugar)
  • Mashed Sweet Potatoes (19g carbohydrates but doesn't raise your blood sugar)
  • Deviled Eggs (0.42g carbohydrates; 0.33 sugar)
  • Lime Jello Salad (not even going there)

We will have bread for those who want it and sweet tea, however there will be unsweet tea as well.

Speaking of unsweet tea I tried a new tea recipe which was pretty good and we didn't add sugar or artificial sweetener.  On the stovetop I brought 8 tea bags, 1/2 cup blackberries, and 1/4 cup mint leaves to a boil and then let it steep.  I then strained the contents into a glass pitcher and filled with water and ice.  You can garnish with fresh blackberries & mint leaves if you want to be fancy. 

We were big sweet tea drinkers so I love finding ways to still get my tea and not have to use any type of sweetener.

Happy Easter and don't forget it's not about the Easter bunny but the Saviour who died on the cross so we might have eternal life!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Fish is Good

Let me start by saying I've never been a big fish eater.  I grew up with a dad who loved to fish, well my whole family camped and fished.  At the end of summer we would have a fish fry.  I loved the time with my family and fishing with my dad but I didn't like to eat the fish.  I remember at the end of summer fish fry I would eat the homemade hushpuppies, slaw and all the veggies but not the fish.  I probably would have liked it but I had my mind set that I didn't like fish.

When I started researching to see what the best foods to cook for my husband would be, I discovered that fish should be a once a week or twice a week item.  Fish is very nutritious.  The best diet should contain foods that are full of nutrients and meats full of nutrients without unnecessary saturated fat and calories.  The AHA says for the best health benefits eat two 3 1/2 ounce servings of fish a week.  Just an FYI, if you didn't know diabetes can cause heart disease.

Why am I talking about fish?  Well tonight I am fixing fish for dinner.  I try to include fish in my weekly meal planning.  Remember, this girl doesn't like fish, well I do like salmon and tuna but...

Anyway, I have found some recipes for fish that I absolutely love. My husband is a fan of cod so tonight we are having cod.  The recipe I found, which I have already tried and loved, was  on Pinterest posted on a page called Little Broken by Katya.  I love Pinterest by the way!  I'll share the recipe below but I just want to say, just because you have in your mind you don't like something, just try different ways of preparing it until you find something you do like.  I'd much rather eat things that I like AND that are good for us.

This dish is great with long grain brown rice.

Cod with Tomato and Herb Butter 

Tomato and Herb Butter
    Cod with Tomato and Herb Butter - the best cod recipe you will ever make…
  • 1 medium shallot, finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
  • 1 pint grape or cherry tomatoes
  • ½ cup chicken stock
  • ½ tsp. sea salt
  • ¼ tsp. red pepper flakes
  • ¼ tsp. granulated sugar 
  • 4 Tbsp. unsalted butter, sliced
  • 3 Tbsp. fresh chopped herbs (basil, parsley, chives, cilantro), plus extra for garnish

  • 2 - 2¼ pounds fresh cod fillets, cut into 6-8 oz. portions*
  • 1 lemon
  • salt and fresh ground black pepper

Tomato and Herb Butter
  1. In a small saucepan heat olive oil over medium heat. Sauté shallot and garlic for 4-5 minutes or until soft, stirring occasionally.
  2. Add tomatoes, chicken stock, sea salt, red pepper flakes, and sugar. Simmer, uncovered, for 15-17 minutes or until tomatoes break down and release their juices and liquid has almost evaporated.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the butter and fresh herbs. The herb butter should be velvety and thick. Cover and keep warm while the cod is baking.
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Drizzle the bottom of a casserole dish lightly with olive oil. You want a dish big enough to fit the cod in a single layer with some room around or you will get too much juice during baking.
  3. Pat dry the cod really well and place in a single layer. Season with salt and pepper to taste but be generous. Drizzle the top lightly with olive oil and squeeze of fresh lemon. I used about ½ lemon. Cover tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 12-18 minutes or until easily flaked. Baking time will depend on the thickness of the cod.
  4. Remove from the oven and evenly spread the tomato butter over the cod. Cover back with aluminum foil and let stand at room temperature for 1-2 minutes before serving. You just want all the flavors to come together.
  5. Garnish with fresh chopped herbs, if desired, and serve immediately.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Eating Can Be Done Affordably

From the minute we came home from the ER on that Sunday I started researching diabetes and what foods we should and should not eat.  Even though I do not have it, I chose to eat the same things and not eat the same things my husband could and couldn't.  He was not going to do this alone.

It's important that I know what to buy when grocery shopping since I am the one who does the shopping.  Also, know that being diagnosed with this didn't mean that we could no longer eat out.  It's OK to tell the waitress that you do not want any rolls while you wait.  BONUS TIP:  Also, if you're not like us and share a meal, it's best to get a to go box before you begin eating and go ahead and box up the foods that exceed the recommended serving size.  That will keep you from overeating.

As far as grocery shopping I've always heard and said that you cannot afford to eat healthy.  I have disproved that fact.  The fact is you just have to learn how to shop.  I've always made my grocery list based on the weekly ad.  It's life, we live on a tight budget.  My list used to have all those sugary cereals, bread, bagels, chips, you know all that stuff that we like to eat that isn't good for a diabetic (or really anyone).  I've learned that you can still shop the ad but you only shop the perimeter of the store.  Think about it.  The produce, deli (for lunch meats & cheeses not bakery items), fresh meat counter, meat, dairy, you get the picture.  If I go in an aisle it is to get oatmeal, not the box of packets but the canister of old fashioned oatmeal or something like that.  I also buy the white whole wheat flour for anything that needs flour.  We also do not like to use artificial sweeteners and recently discovered how good coconut sugar tastes.  I sub that in baking, which I"ll share a favorite recipe for a "sweet snack" at the end of this article.

Back to the grocery store.  I had read that fish is a great meat to have in your weekly meal plan so we try to include it once a week.  I love salmon, my husband likes it but prefers Cod or whitefish.  I have found some great recipes on Pinterest for both.  I also only buy wild caught fish not farm raised.  We no longer eat mashed potatoes or french fries but mashed sweet potatoes, baked sweet potatoes or even mashed butternut squash  or brown long grain rice.  When I get to the end of shopping my cart is full of fresh produce, meats, eggs and cheeses.  I also learned to check the yogurt you buy as well.  We all think yogurt is healthy but the sugar content is very high in some types.  My husband has always eaten yogurt daily.  Now I'm limited to what I buy for him but found that Siggi's in the large container is lower in sugar.  I'll get vanilla or with a touch of honey and then he adds a little granola  or fresh fruit.  On average I spend about $100 for two weeks of groceries (all three meals).  Of those two weeks we may eat out three times for dinner.

I save money because I shop the ad and I download digital coupons from my grocer's website.  You can use paper coupons but for me, I'm just not organized enough to do that.  I also meal plan prior to going shopping.  I do stick to my list and meal planning prior to going and making a list keeps me on track.  I typically buy chicken, pork, and fish.  If I find a large family size pack on sale, I buy it and split it up before putting it in the freezer.  We also eat a lot of eggs now, so I tend to buy an 18 count carton or if the 12 pack is on sale I pick up two cartons.  My grocery store of choice is Harris Teeter.  I love their website because I can make a list and email it to myself and download digital coupons to my e-vic card.  It doesn't save money to shop at several different stores (time is money & I'm not driving to every store that has a sale item I need).

Here's a sample of our daily meals:

Breakfast - eggs either scrambled or omelette with bacon or sausage links or old fashioned oats with raw walnuts and cinnamon
Lunch (packed for work) - deli ham with cream cheese spread on it rolled up, carrot sticks & cucumber slices, nuts for snack, yogurt, apple or pear and a string cheese (it sounds like a lot but diabetics need to eat between meals so this includes snacks for the day)
Dinner - meat & two veggies or 1 veggie and a salad

Side Note:  lemon water is a great way to naturally reduce your glucose.  I fix my husband a lemon water every morning and he keeps his cup refilled all day.  Also, cinnamon is a natural reducer so use it in everything you can (I've even put it in chili).

Here's the recipe mentioned earlier:

Flourless Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Bars
1 cup all natural peanut butter (only ingredients should be peanuts & salt)
1/2 cup brown sugar ( I sub with 3/4 cup of coconut sugar)
1 egg
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/3 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup chocolate chips (dark chocolate is best for diabetics or you can leave them out)

Preheat oven to 425 and grease an 8 x 8 baking dish using coconut oil.  In mixing bowl mix the first six ingredients until combined.  Fold in the oatmeal and chocolate chips.  Press batter into prepared baking dish and bake for 22 minutes.  You have to let these bars cool completely before cutting into bars.  If you attempt to while they are warm they will fall apart (I know from experience).  You should get 16 bars. 

Friday, March 23, 2018

When Something Bad Happens Turn it Around

Several weeks ago my husband was having severe pain in his back.  Since he had previously had a kidney stone we thought that this was the same thing.  After several hours in the ER it was confirmed that it was NOT a kidney stone but a torn muscle.  In addition to the torn muscle we were told that he was a diabetic.  Bad news but we turned it around.  After consulting with our primary care doctor it was determined he needed to take a daily pill to maintain a healthy glucose level.  Well, that wasn't going to work because my husband, Mr. Positive, refuses to take any medication.  At the ER visit his glucose level was 337.  At the primary care visit it was over 200.  He did take the medicine two days and we thought he was going to leave this world.  The first day he took it he was so tired he couldn't move.  The next day after dinner I walked away from him for two seconds and returned to find him sleeping on the couch and he was extremely difficult to wake up.

Research.  I researched the drug he was taking and found that it can drastically reduce your heart rate.  If you have any of these symptoms call your doctor immediately.   Well he was definitely displaying the symptoms!  I called the doctor's office and they said we've never heard of that before but let us check.  Well sure enough this can happen to 1 in 12,000 people.  Our primary care doctor prescribed another medication and wanted him to come in for a follow up.  At the follow he was told "keep taking that medication because your glucose is now 120 and that is great".  To which he responded, "well, I haven't been taking the medication."  They said keep doing what your doing then and do not take the medication.

What was he doing to reduce his glucose level?  Research!  I had read everything I could possibly get my hands on to see how we could reduce his glucose naturally.  We changed our lifestyle.  Some like to say that "diet" you all are on but no it's not a diet it's a lifestyle change.  No refined sugar, no bread, nothing white at all.  Natural reducers; cinnamon, celery, lemon water, oatmeal, all became part of our diet.

After 6 weeks he has lost about 30 pounds and his glucose stays between 84 - 120.  No medication!  He is still losing weight and as a bonus I have lost 9 pounds.  Do we miss our old lifestyle, not really because the food we eat is very satisfying and tastes really good.  It's easier than we thought it would be but my husband has a will power like no one I've ever seen.

As I blog, I'll share some of our favorite recipes and tips (including grocery shopping).  My hubby says it's all in your mindset and I'm sure he is right.  We are in this together so I eat only things he can eat which, in my opinion, is helpful.