Friday, March 23, 2018

When Something Bad Happens Turn it Around

Several weeks ago my husband was having severe pain in his back.  Since he had previously had a kidney stone we thought that this was the same thing.  After several hours in the ER it was confirmed that it was NOT a kidney stone but a torn muscle.  In addition to the torn muscle we were told that he was a diabetic.  Bad news but we turned it around.  After consulting with our primary care doctor it was determined he needed to take a daily pill to maintain a healthy glucose level.  Well, that wasn't going to work because my husband, Mr. Positive, refuses to take any medication.  At the ER visit his glucose level was 337.  At the primary care visit it was over 200.  He did take the medicine two days and we thought he was going to leave this world.  The first day he took it he was so tired he couldn't move.  The next day after dinner I walked away from him for two seconds and returned to find him sleeping on the couch and he was extremely difficult to wake up.

Research.  I researched the drug he was taking and found that it can drastically reduce your heart rate.  If you have any of these symptoms call your doctor immediately.   Well he was definitely displaying the symptoms!  I called the doctor's office and they said we've never heard of that before but let us check.  Well sure enough this can happen to 1 in 12,000 people.  Our primary care doctor prescribed another medication and wanted him to come in for a follow up.  At the follow he was told "keep taking that medication because your glucose is now 120 and that is great".  To which he responded, "well, I haven't been taking the medication."  They said keep doing what your doing then and do not take the medication.

What was he doing to reduce his glucose level?  Research!  I had read everything I could possibly get my hands on to see how we could reduce his glucose naturally.  We changed our lifestyle.  Some like to say that "diet" you all are on but no it's not a diet it's a lifestyle change.  No refined sugar, no bread, nothing white at all.  Natural reducers; cinnamon, celery, lemon water, oatmeal, all became part of our diet.

After 6 weeks he has lost about 30 pounds and his glucose stays between 84 - 120.  No medication!  He is still losing weight and as a bonus I have lost 9 pounds.  Do we miss our old lifestyle, not really because the food we eat is very satisfying and tastes really good.  It's easier than we thought it would be but my husband has a will power like no one I've ever seen.

As I blog, I'll share some of our favorite recipes and tips (including grocery shopping).  My hubby says it's all in your mindset and I'm sure he is right.  We are in this together so I eat only things he can eat which, in my opinion, is helpful.

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