Thursday, March 29, 2018

Easter is Coming, What's for Easter Lunch!

I have been planning lunch with family and friends for Easter Sunday.  Is it possible to fix a big spread and continue on our mission of eating healthier.  I truly think it is.  We actually have house church every Sunday in our home and I fix a breakfast nibble for our folks each week.  Since we have changed our lifestyle, it has carried over to what I fix on Sunday mornings so why can't Easter lunch be just as easy.  Our favorite Sunday breakfast nibble are crustless quiches.  This Easter we have invited any in our church who don't have family in the area to join us for lunch, so I will be preparing a large buffet style lunch.

Here's my menu which is all good with low carbs and low sugar (except for the jello salad which is a staple for holidays in our house).

  • Ham with a honey/dijon mustard glaze (1g carbohydrates; 1g sugar)
  • Green Bean Casserole (14g carbohydrates; 0 sugar)
  • Mashed Sweet Potatoes (19g carbohydrates but doesn't raise your blood sugar)
  • Deviled Eggs (0.42g carbohydrates; 0.33 sugar)
  • Lime Jello Salad (not even going there)

We will have bread for those who want it and sweet tea, however there will be unsweet tea as well.

Speaking of unsweet tea I tried a new tea recipe which was pretty good and we didn't add sugar or artificial sweetener.  On the stovetop I brought 8 tea bags, 1/2 cup blackberries, and 1/4 cup mint leaves to a boil and then let it steep.  I then strained the contents into a glass pitcher and filled with water and ice.  You can garnish with fresh blackberries & mint leaves if you want to be fancy. 

We were big sweet tea drinkers so I love finding ways to still get my tea and not have to use any type of sweetener.

Happy Easter and don't forget it's not about the Easter bunny but the Saviour who died on the cross so we might have eternal life!

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